Tuesday 17 July 2012

Permission for a night party from Parents

When I was told by my friend that we will have a party which will held on our friend's home who is living in an apartment, the very first thought in my mind was how to make my parents to allow me to go there?
He told me that he has contacted all old friends and you are the only one who is to be confirmed. He told me that the party will start at about 12:00 am and in morning we all will go in our homes. I have never went in such parties before.
The Anxious Moment:
What happen when someone calls you and your father or mother receive it? The same thing happen with me,
My friend call me to come downstairs and he was so stupid that before even recognizing who is on the other side he says about the topic, that was my father. My father after hanging the phone in an interrogative mood, ask me; Do you know this guy his name is ________? I answer in affirmative and told him that he is my friend. He told me that your friend is waiting downstairs, I got dazzled I don't know why he call me downstairs and when I get to know about the night party at my friend's home. It hit me in my mind that Dad will no give the permission. Although dad never said me no in the past as I never ask him about that before. I got anxious and moreover my friend added spice on it by saying that he told my father in the phone about that. At that moment I made in mind and tell him that I will not coming and went back to home.
When I reach up my dad and mom were both waiting for me for the dinner. I was quite and not speak a word, My mum ask me how is the dinner? I replied with a little pause and said it's good. My father ask me what he said? (as I know he will ask) I told him that he is arranging the party. My father ask me when is it and who is coming. I told him this Saturday( not tell about the time) . He said that You want to go? then you can go. He further added, at what time you will go? I don't know what to say but then I revealed the timings and a Big No was waiting to hug me.
Plan B- Negotiation
After getting straight no for the party, I told to myself that I was prepared to hear that. But then a ring rong happen in mind!
Why not do some negotiation. But going for that approach I ask with my friend that Is it possible to start the party early as the problem is of timings and I my self leave the party about 1:00 am whereas you people may proceed it. He said that no problem. And further more I told him that I will confirm you about my presence in the party a day before. He reply the same. I on the same night went to my father who just came in to home after a walk which he usually go after dinner. I told him that my friends have decided that we will start early for me because of the timings and I will come to home before 1:00 am.

And surprisingly Plan B works out...
I am totally fine that My father don't give me the permission at first but happy to hear Yes for the same thing.
I don't know why he said no and I even don't want know about it, all in all I am happy!

Friday 13 July 2012

Asia's Remarkable Dams

Dams are another source of inspiration for civil engineering besides roads, bridges and sky scrapers. They are the largest epic made by human in the world. Dams are useful in lots of ways they are use to control floods, can be use to produce great amount of electricity, for irrigation and great source of tourist attraction. Here I have compiled some of the notable dams of Asia having distinct qualities.

This Dam was the first big civil engineering project in Pakistan completed in 1967 by major funds of World Bank. It is located on Jhelum River @ Azad Kashmir Pakistan. It is an Earth-fill type dam having two spill ways and 5 power cum irrigation tunnels. The height of the dam is about 138 m. It is right now world 16 largest dam in the world. It is likely to hose 3 million acres of Farm-land.

NAGARJUNA SAGAR:This Dam is known to be the world’s largest masonry dam made in Andhra Pradesh, India. It was completed in 1967. It is located at a distance of 150 km from Hyderabad.The height of the main dam is about 128m. The main purpose of this dam is irrigation and electricity generation.
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SRISAILAM DAMThe Dam is known to be the second largest capacity hydroelectric project in India. It is built across Krishna River @ SriSailam in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. The Dam is the primary source of attraction in Andhra Pradesh. 

Tarbela Dam:
World’s Second Largest dam and largest earth filled dam in the world. The Dam is located in the Indus Ravi River at Tarbela in Swabi. As the dam is big so as its responsibilities are also big. It is use as flood control, irrigation and generation of electricity. It was completed in 1976. The cost of dam was about 1.497 Million US Dollar.
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Xiaowan Dam
World’s Second tallest Dam about 292 m and tallest Arch Dam in the world in China. The Primary purpose of this dam is to generate electricity. Constructed by Huaneng Power International Inc. at the cost of 3.2 billion dollar. The Construction of the dam was completed in 2010 while started in 2002.
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Nurek Dam:
World Tallest Dam in the world about 300 m tall is an embankment type dam on the Vakhsh River at Tajikistan. It was completed in 1980. It generates electricity which covers the need of whole nation. It is also use for irrigation purpose. It has largest Reservoir of the country name Nurek.  
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Ata Turk Dam
Originally known as Karababa Dam but was renamed in the honor of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk founder of Turkish Republic, located on Euphrates river in turkey. It is world 5th largest dam by volume about 49x109 cubic meter. It was completed in 1992. The Project total Cost was about 1.25 billion dollar. The main purpose of this dam is to generate electricity and irrigation.
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Rogun Dam:
This Dam is under construction in Southern Tajikistan on the Vakhsh River. In future it will be the tallest dam in the world living behind its own native dam Nurek Dam, of about 35 meter taller than present tallest dam. Its main purpose is to produce electricity and irrigation. Uzbek President Islam Karimov called it a stupid Project as it will have impact on cotton field irrigation system.

Ahai Dam:
It is under construction and will be established completely in 2015. After 3 Gorges Dams in the world this dam is largest conventional hydroelectric power station in Asia. It is located in Jinshaw River. The Estimated cost of this project is around 2 billion US Dollar. 
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Three Gorges Dam:
China’s notable project after Great Wall of China. It is currently most expensive dam in the world, also known as the largest electricity producing dam about 22,500 MW, located in Hubei, China. It is fully functional on 4 July 2012. In the construction of dam millions of families were displace from one place to another. The China Government thinks that although being the largest dams in the world it could also be the disaster as it creates landslides, for which tens of thousands of families are displace from one place to another. Let’s hope for the best.
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Asian's Flying in the sky

Although the air-plane was not invented by an Asian but today the Asians are flying all over the world with bright colors. Qatar Airways, Asiana Airlines and others are marching in the field of airlines ahead then western countries. 
World's Top class Airlines regarding it's services are from Asia or from Middle east. The World Best Airline is Qatar Airways' Ltd.

Last Time Asiana Airline got the award of airline of the year award.
In the List of Top 10 Airlines in the world 10 out of 10 are from Asia.
The Top 10 Air-Lines in the world by it's services are:
In this Survey the quality of food, seats and entertainment in-flight were focused. Also in some other categories Asian Airlines outclassed others. Malaysian Airline and Air Asia received highest awards. Malaysian Airline was also awarded for the 5 star status. 

Nice to see all Asian Airlines in Top 10. :)

Sunday 1 July 2012

What you did with the extra second?

Photo Credit by NASA

“At the time of Dinosaurs the earth completes its whole rotation in 23 hours” says Mac Milan who works at NASA. And in the year 1820, earth completes its rotation first time in 24 hours.
Is Our Earth getting older?

The Answer is somewhat yes. According to Scientist
“The influence of our nearby large moon causes our planet’s rotation, or spin, to slow down continuously. Roughly every 100 years, the day gets about 1.4 milliseconds longer. That’s 1.4 thousandths of a second. It’s not much, but it adds up.”
Leap Second:
In keeping up with the Coordinated Universal Time, 61 seconds instead of 60 were added at the end of the day on Saturday. Normally, the clock would move from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 the next day. Instead, at 23:59:59 on June 30, UTC will move to 23:59:60, and then to 00:00:00 on July 1. In practice, this means that clocks in many systems will be turned off for one second.
The so-called leap second was added to electronic clocks at midnight universal time on Saturday. Don’t worry it just a second and it will not disturb your schedules. :)
Moreover NASA says:
‘Originally, leap seconds were added to provide a UTC time signal that could be used for navigation at sea. This motivation has become obsolete with the development of GPS (Global Positioning System) and other satellite navigation systems. These days, a leap second is inserted in UTC to keep it within 0.9 seconds of UT1.’
UT1 is officially computed from VLBI measurements, which rely on astronomical reference points and have a typical precision of 5 microseconds, or 5 millionths of a second, or better.
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is a technique which combines the observations from many telescopes located at various points on Earth’s surface. When it comes to timekeeping, VLBI relies on quasars – the most distant known objects in the universe – to provide a reference point in space.
Disputes on it:
Opponents of the leap second want a simpler system that avoids the costs and margin for error in making manual changes to thousands of computer networks. Supporters argue it needs to stay to preserve the precision of systems in areas like navigation (involves the determination of position and direction mostly marine navigation and land navigation).
So tell me, How did you use that extra second?
I sleep for an extra second! :D
you can read this on my WP-Blog.